Oldshool breakbeat remixek

2009.07.08. 01:20 Simon Iddol

The Sound of Funky Breaks [download page]
01. Team9 - Don't Stop The Party
02. DJ Prince - Pump Dis Volume (DJ Prince 2009 Breakbeat Mix)
03. Rhythm Scholar vs. Billy Squier - The Stroke
(Rhythm Scholar Funk Solution Remix)
04. Neil Tomo - Jam On The Breaks (Neil T's Wikki Free Zone)
05. Audiodile - No Stoppin' Us
06. Eddie Pedalo/Herbie Hancock - Rock It (Eddie Pedalo Remix)
07. Trolling For Lulz - BFF (Til The Drugs Run Out)
08. Party Ben/Freestyle - Don't Stop The Rock
(Party Ben Moves the Bassline from Left to Right Remix)
09. DJ Thunder Dome/Bomb The Bass - Beat Dis
(DJ Thunder Dome Editmix)
10. Eve Massacre - Dance to the Sound of Unity
(Afrika Bambaata + Math Head + Bloc Party)
11. Tim Spinnin' Schommer/Shannon - Let the Music Play
(Tim Spinnin Edit)
12. Lilith The Kitten - Broken Robot (Vox Edit)
13. World Famous Audio Hacker - Go Go Dub (Alternate Mix)

old school electrofunk és funky breaks remixek

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